Confidential Advocacy Site

The LGBTQ Resource Center is one of three Confidential Reporting sites on campus. Individuals who may have experienced sexual/assault or harassment can come and discuss options and seek support as they navigate their experiences. 

Sexual assault is defined by University of New Mexico Policy as a forcible and non-forcible offenses. Forcible offenses include forcible rape, sodomy, fondling, or assault with an object. Non-forcible offenses include incest and statutory rape. For more information on these and other campus policies please visit the please visit the UNM Pathfinder - UNM Student Handbook.

Sexual harassment is defined by University of New Mexico Policy as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. For more information on this policy visit the University Business Policy and Procedure Manual.

Please email or visit the LoboRESPECT Sexual Misconduct reporting site.